
What is Ring

Ring is free software for universal communication which respects freedoms and privacy of its users.
See official Ring website to join the Ring

Output of RingMe.js


Why you don't need it

This project does nothing other than to propose a default look and feel for a Ring Me button that you can easily add to any Web page.

You could simply choose to not use this Javascript project and add a link on your page like so:

<a href="ring:my-ring-ID">⏎
Call me with Ring, a communication tool that respects your freedoms and privacy⏎

as you would add a link on your page to let your visitors email you:

<a href="mailto:my-email@example.com">⏎
Email me!⏎

The magic happens through the Ring client that configures your computer to handle the ring: scheme.

Why you need it

Since Ring clients are not as widely used as email clients (yet), this little project helps by identifying if the ring: scheme can be handled by a visitor's computer.

It also proposes a unified look and feel for a Ring me button that will soon be recognizable by visitors.


<div id="ringme-testusr">⏎
    <script type="text/javascript">⏎
            'action': 'call',⏎
            'identifier': 'testusr',⏎
            'container': 'ringme-testusr',⏎

Previous example outputs a RingMe button as showned at the top of this page.