"leisurely woman" from books.google.com
... leisurely Woman's Hour lunch. This detachment from the daily news agenda allowed Woman's Hour to connect with changes over a longer period and, of course, in particular with the changing role of women and the emergence of feminism and ...
"leisurely woman" from books.google.com
... . Her speech is in keeping ; slow , slightly drawling , eventoned , imperturbable . In sum , a stupid , leisurely woman , not unkindly , unswervingly loyal to her lord and master , 60 THE KING OF FRIDAY'S MEN ACT III -
"leisurely woman" from books.google.com
... leisurely woman who enjoys spending time perusing pricey antique stores . During one of these excursions , she meets a destitute woman who is standing in the pouring rain and asks her how much a cup of tea would cost . Rosemary takes ...
"leisurely woman" from books.google.com
... leisurely woman-to-woman interaction: Hwen 3e beoð ilete blod, 3e ne schule don na þing þe þreo dahes þet ow greueð, ah talkið to ower meidnes ant wið þeawfule talen schurteð ow togederes. 3e mahen swa don ofte hwen ow þuncheð heuie ...
"leisurely woman" from books.google.com
... leisurely woman on the sofa. "Since you're already here, you can rest easy. What's there to be afraid of? There's still you." Qiao Xiaoxiao continued to look at his magazine, unaffected by it. Her line, 'And you.' This made Mu Zehao's ...
"leisurely woman" from books.google.com
... leisurely woman's existence however much it was closed to boys offered an attractive alternative to the vision of male drudgery . Being a woman made her by definition more responsive , because with his mother Auchincloss was able to ...
"leisurely woman" from books.google.com
... leisurely woman. Currently, Blood Dragon was Level 40, and only a handful of players throughout the Black Dragon Empire had reached this Level. Level 40 players were much stronger than Level 39 players in terms of Attributes as they ...
"leisurely woman" from books.google.com
... leisurely woman of the middle-class, while working-class women suffered a “very different plight.” Because of their involvement in the public and male spheres of “the nation's factories and industries” they were often seen as unfeminine ...
"leisurely woman" from books.google.com
... Leisurely Woman Shopper's Browsing Desire . Pay particular attention to the leisurely customer , who drops in to " look around . " The things that at- tract her now , she does not see when she is in a hurry . Or , when first coming into ...
"leisurely woman" from books.google.com
... Leisurely Woman Shopper's Browsing Desire . Pay particular attention to the leisurely customer , who drops in to " look around . " The things that at- tract her now , she does not see when she is in a hurry . Or , when first coming into ...